The aim of this basic experiment is to determine the heat transfer coefficients, a specific indicator, from the cooling curve. Cooling curves describe the temperature compensation between a body and its surroundings, as a function of time.
Used in conjunction accessory makes it possible to record the cooling curve of a cylinder in air flow. The accessory includes an oven and a copper cylinder. The large copper cylinder is heated in the oven to approximately 120°C. Then, the heated cylinder is placed intake pipe and cooled in an air flow.
A temperature sensor is fitted inside the cylinder. The convective heat transfer on the cylinder can be determined from the cooling rate.
The experiment can be performed for various flow rates. The measured values are analysed using the software.
Part of a series that allows experiments on the principles of incompressible air flow. The software for data acquisition and visualisation makes the experiments especially clear and enables fast execution of experiments with reliable results.
The well-structured instructional material sets out the fundamentals and provides a step-by-step guide through the experiments.
Learning Objectives / Experiments
In conjunction with the Unit Principles of Air Flow
Recording a cooling curve
Determining the heat transfer coefficients from the cooling curve
Convective heat transfer of a cylinder in an air-flow tube
Accessory for the Unit Principles of Air Flow
Copper cylinder with integrated temperature sensor
Cylinder is heated in the oven to approximately 120°C
Oven keeps the temperature constant
Display and analysis of the measured values using the software in the Unit Principles of Air Flow