This Wilfley Table unit is driven byhead motion with a stroke adjustment of between 8 mm and 16mm (nominal).
Head motion is self-lubricating.Simple, robust design requires minimal maintenance.
The deck is supported on sixteencarriers and is vibrated diagonally along the entire length.
The deck is manufactured fromhigh-quality timber, marine-grade plywood and covered with 5mm smooth rubberfor maximum durability. (Black-white option).
Specific riffle patterns can befitted to maximize metallurgical performance (by particle size-applicationdata).
Table tilt can be easily adjustedusing a hand wheel, even while the machine is in operation.
Supplied on its own galvanized steelbase.
The unit fitted with a 1.5kW (2HP)motor.
Wear-resistant polyurethane fingersalong the concentrate edge provide accurate cutting of concentrates.
A wash-down hose and spray gunoption.
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