Fluid Friction Apparatus Shows flowand losses in different pipes, fittings and valves. Shows popular flowmeasurement instruments.
A space-saving vertical panel thatworks with Gravimetric or Volumetric Hydraulic Benches for easy installation
Includes different valves, pipes andfittings to show losses
Includes experiments on roughenedpipes
Shows laminar and turbulent flow
Uses Bernoullis equation
Shows how to use Venturi and orificemeters to measure flow
Includes a traversing Pitot tube tomeasure velocity profile
Fluid Friction Apparatus allowsstudents to study flow, flow measurement techniques and losses in a widevariety of pipes and fittings.
The equipment has three watercircuits with instruments, pipes and pipe system components.
These allow students to examine andcompare the different component characteristics.
A hydraulic bench (Gravimetric) orVolumetric, available separately) supplies the circuit with a controlled flowof water.
A space-saving vertical panel holdsall the parts for easy use. To measure pressure loss across components,students use a piezometer set and differential pressure gauge (included).
To perform experiments studentsrecord the temperature of water in the hydraulic bench and set the hydraulicbench to pump water through a circuit. They measure pressure losses acrossinstruments or components. The hydraulic bench gives an external flow rate forreference and comparison.
The flow measurement instruments showstudents the common methods of measuring water flow. They also giveapplications of the steady flow energy equation (Bernoullis equation).Students use a Venturi meter and an orifice plate meter and compare the lossesof each. They also find the losses in a rapid enlargement.
The equipment also includes aPitot-static tube. By traversing the Pitot across the pipe diameter, studentscan find the velocity profile and flow coefficients. They also find therelationship between the flow rate and pressure differential. An artificiallyroughened pipe allows students to study friction factor at different Reynoldsnumbers, covering the interesting transitional flow from laminar to turbulent.They can compare results to those predicted by Nickuradses results and a Moodychart.
Standard Features:
Supplied with a comprehensive userguide.
Two-year warranty.
Manufactured in accordance with thelatest Indian Union directives.
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