The setup is designed to demonstrateand stimulate the moisture removal by heat under forced draft action created byhot air stream and shower of moist solid due to rotary action of dryer drum.
The set-up consists of a longcylindrical shell slightly inclined towards the outlet rotating at low RPM.
Counter current hot air from blowerpasses through heating chamber to produce hot air works as the drying agententered from one side of the rotating shell and leave from other side removesthe moisture from the moist solids.
High moisture content feed entersfrom one end of the shell and low moisture content product discharges from theother end of shell. As the shell rotates internal flights lift the solids andshower them down through the interior of the shell. This action increases thecontact of wet solid against hot-air making the dryer very effective.
An arrangement is made to vary andmeasure the airflow rate. A digital temperature controller is used to controland measure the temperature of air stream.
To study the operation of a RotaryDryer
To study the drying characteristicsof a solid material under batch drying condition in a rotary dryer
Superb Painted structure
Simple to operate & maintain
Compact & standalone set up
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